For the ones who need help getting out of their hermit modes:
Even introverts need to get out of their environment. Hermit mode, for me, is someone who is not trying to try. They are in an environment of loneliness. The first image that pops up for me is that one SpongeBob episode where Spongebob is afraid to leave his house. So, he makes his world his house with a penny, a tissue, and a single potato chip.
Now, it’s nice to have our alone time when the world becomes a bit overwhelming. Our alone time recharges us and allows us to have peace. But sometimes peace can become isolation. I know that you have felt it too. You haven’t left the house in a couple of days and you wonder why you are feeling a bit anxious. Yup, you need to get out of hermit mode honey.
For some, getting out of their hermit mode is simple. I am going to be talking to those who may need a bit of assistance to get out their hermit mode.
How you go in can be how you go out
It is okay to try new things, but I also know that the brain needs some assistance when it comes to trying new things. Our brain is really great at survival, sometimes a little too good. So, sometimes the brain can put caution to things that are safe because it is a change of their environment.
This can be changed by changing your perspective to whatever it is. If I am doing something new and I am a bit nervous, I tell myself that it is okay to be nervous that it is new. But, I also tell myself all of the positives I can get from participating in this activity. If I can’t think of anything, I tell myself that I am expanding myself and my abilities in doing more things.
A way that I can settle my nerves is by telling myself that if I do not like it, then I do not have to do it again. I can tell myself that I tried it and I don’t think that it is for me, and then I can move on. I tell myself that I am proud of myself for getting out of my own comfort zone and then keep it moving.
There are also times where I am SUPER nervous and it feels as if my nerves are not going away. You know what I do? I do it anyway. So think of this phrase whenever you are nervous and feel like the nerves can’t be settled:
“The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather not trying. – Roy T. Bennett
Again, it is completely okay to have nerves. I would also like to say this as well: do not label your nervousness as bad. Sometimes it is nerve wracking to do something that is out of your comfort zone, especially if it is something that we would NEVER imagine us doing.
But I want to put a heavy importance on your mindset, because this sets the environment. You can be in a room full of peace and your mind can bring chaos, so understand that your mindset is the first thing, in my opinion, that should be worked on. Once you have that down, who can stop you?!
If you have a support system, bring them!
Friends, family, whoever it may be, bring them! I KNOW that I have used this so many times whenever I have been nervous to do something. If I am going to try out something new that I am nervous about, I have asked one of my family members to come with me so I am not alone. I am grateful to have this privilege, because I know there are others who may not have the ability to call on those close to them to be a support system.
Do not be afraid to reach out to your support system if you have one that is supportive. Sometimes I have been afraid to ask my support system to be there for an experience because I did not want to be any trouble. For me, my family is my support system, but my parents can easily work 60 – 80 hours a week.
Sometimes I would think that, since they are so busy with their work, I shouldn’t bother them and just try to figure it out myself. But my parents have made it VERY clear that I am before their work and they’ll be there for me if I need them. Again, I am grateful that I have a family that will vocalize my importance and let me know that I can rely on them when it is needed.
Now, I know that there are some who may not have family but have friends that they can rely on. Rely on them when those moments come up! My definition of a good, solid support system is someone who shows up for you when you need it the most. They vocalize and show to you that you can call on them. That can be like my parents who will rearrange their work schedule to show up. There are, of course, other ways that this can be displayed, but this is just an example.
Know that it is okay to fail
Sometimes when we are trying something that is out of our comfort zone, we can expect ourselves to excel in that activity first try. I know I have done that to myself and that only hinders me. Going back to that mindset, I changed my mind to love failing.
You may be reading this and be thinking: how the heck can this girl train her mind to love failing? Who loves failing?! Well, I don’t think about failing as failing, if that makes sense. I think about me learning a lesson.
If you have ridden a bike and have fallen, did you give up? For those who did not, what happened? You learned how to balance yourself on the bike and eventually started riding the bike. That same concept is the same in life.
There is nothing wrong with failing because it allows you to grow. Growth allows you to become a better person, so how could that be bad? Hopefully you can see my perspective when it comes to failing now, and hopefully you can apply this concept in your mind as well.
There was this acronym that I saw once and thought it was genius:
F.A.I.L -> First Attempt In Learning
If my perspective is a concept that you think it not the right fit for you, then I hope that this acronym is one that you can take instead.
We are all trying our best, and that is okay! Because as long as you are giving it your all, then that is all that matters 🙂
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